72-3-207 - State Park Access Highways Improvement Program -- Distribution -- Rulemaking.

72-3-207. State Park Access Highways Improvement Program -- Distribution --Rulemaking.
(1) There is created the State Park Access Highways Improvement Program within thedepartment.
(2) The program shall be funded from the following revenue sources:
(a) any voluntary contributions received for improvements to state park access highways;and
(b) appropriations made to the program by the Legislature.
(3) The department may use the program money as matching grants to a county ormunicipality for the improvement of class B or class C roads specified as state park accesshighways under this part subject to:
(a) money available in the program;
(b) prioritization of the program money by the commission;
(c) a county or municipality providing at least 50% of the cost of each improvementproject in matching funds; and
(d) rules made under Subsection (4).
(4) The department shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, UtahAdministrative Rulemaking Act, necessary to administer the program and to establish theprocedures for a county or municipality to apply for a grant of program money.
(5) The department shall commit funds for state park access highway projects for theamount of funding currently programmed in a funded year in the 2007 Statewide TransportationImprovement Program.

Amended by Chapter 391, 2010 General Session