72-3-113 - Truck limitations on Legacy Parkway.
72-3-113. Truck limitations on Legacy Parkway.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "Legacy Parkway" means the proposed or existing four-lane limited access highwaythat runs approximately 14 miles from I-215 in Salt Lake County to US 89 in Davis County.
(b) (i) "Reconstruction of I-15 between US 89 in Farmington and I-215 in North SaltLake City" means the physical construction work necessary to add capacity to the portion of I-15from I-215 in Davis County to the interchanges with US 89 and I-15 in Farmington.
(ii) "Reconstruction of I-15 between US 89 in Farmington and I-215 in North Salt LakeCity" does not include:
(A) preparation of environmental impact statements;
(B) preliminary design work or repairs; and
(C) maintenance and operations of the highway that do not add capacity to the highway.
(c) (i) "Truck" means any vehicle:
(A) with five or more axles; or
(B) of 80,000 pounds or greater registered gross vehicle weight.
(ii) "Truck" does not include:
(A) equipment owned and operated by the United States Department of Defense whendriven by any active duty military personnel and members of the reserves and National Guard onactive duty including:
(I) personnel on full-time National Guard duty;
(II) personnel on part-time training;
(III) National Guard military technicians; and
(IV) civilians who are required to wear military uniforms and are subject to the Code ofMilitary Justice;
(B) authorized emergency vehicles as defined in Section 41-6a-102 operated byemergency personnel but not including commercial tow trucks; or
(C) recreational vehicles that are driven solely as family or personal conveyances fornoncommercial purposes.
(2) The Legislature finds and declares that the limitation of trucks being operated on theLegacy Parkway under Subsection (3) is due to the unique location of the Legacy Parkway,which is adjacent to the Legacy Nature Preserve.
(3) The department shall restrict trucks from being operated on the Legacy Parkwayprovided that:
(a) trucks shall be allowed to be operated on the Legacy Parkway during reconstructionof I-15 between US 89 in Farmington and I-215 in North Salt Lake City; and
(b) trucks shall be allowed to be operated on the Legacy Parkway if diversion of trafficfrom I-15 or another route is determined to be necessary by the highway patrol and thedepartment in the event of an incident, following standard procedures for protecting publicsafety.
Enacted by Chapter 1, 2005 Special Session 2