67-19a-402 - Procedural steps to be followed by aggrieved employee.

67-19a-402. Procedural steps to be followed by aggrieved employee.
(1) (a) A career service employee who has a grievance shall submit the grievance inwriting to:
(i) the employee's supervisor; and
(ii) the administrator.
(b) Within five working days after receiving a written grievance, the employee'ssupervisor may issue a written decision on the grievance.
(2) (a) If the employee's supervisor fails to respond to the grievance within five workingdays or if the aggrieved employee is dissatisfied with the supervisor's written decision, theemployee may advance the written grievance to the employee's agency or division director within10 working days after the expiration of the period for response or receipt of the written decision,whichever is first.
(b) Within five working days after receiving the written grievance, the employee's agencyor division director may issue a written response to the grievance stating the decision and thereasons for the decision.
(3) (a) If the employee's agency or division director fails to respond to the grievancewithin five working days after its submission, or if the aggrieved employee is dissatisfied withthe agency or division director's written decision, the employee may advance the writtengrievance to the employee's department head within 10 working days after the expiration of theperiod for decision or receipt of the written decision, whichever is first.
(b) Within 10 working days after the employee's written grievance is submitted, thedepartment head may issue a written response to the grievance stating the decision and thereasons for the decision.
(c) The decision of the department head is final in all matters except those matters thatthe office may review under the authority of Part 3, Grievance Procedures.
(4) If the written grievance submitted to the employee's department head meets thesubject matter requirements of Section 67-19a-202 and if the employee's department head fails torespond to the grievance within 10 working days after submission, or if the aggrieved employeeis dissatisfied with the department head's written decision, the employee may advance the writtengrievance to the administrator within 10 working days after the expiration of the period fordecision or receipt of the written decision, whichever is first.

Amended by Chapter 249, 2010 General Session