65A-4-3 - Mineral leases -- Made exclusively by division -- Disposition of state mineral lease revenues.
65A-4-3. Mineral leases -- Made exclusively by division -- Disposition of statemineral lease revenues.
(1) Mineral leases of all lands owned by the state, except school and institutional trustlands, shall be made exclusively through the division, pursuant to division rules, with the consentof the state agency using or holding the land.
(2) (a) All revenues from mineral leases of sovereign lands shall be deposited in theSovereign Lands Management Account.
(b) That portion of all revenues from mineral leases on other lands managed by thedivision necessary to recover management costs shall be deposited in the Sovereign LandsManagement Account.
(c) The balance of state mineral lease revenues shall be utilized as directed by the agencyor donor.
Amended by Chapter 294, 1994 General Session