63M-3-202 - Intellectual properties discovered or developed -- Ownership -- Patenting -- Licensing.
63M-3-202. Intellectual properties discovered or developed -- Ownership --Patenting -- Licensing.
(1) To the extent not inconsistent with the patent laws of the United States, theintellectual properties which are newly discovered or newly developed in the course of thedesign, construction, and operation of the pilot plant during the objective period:
(a) shall be owned by the state of Utah to the same extent as the pilot plant andproduction from it as provided for in Subsection 63M-3-201(2)(e); and
(b) shall, if patentable, be patented in a manner appropriate to this ownership by the stateand the other owners.
(2) Any intellectual properties described in Subsection (1) insofar as they are so ownedby the state may be licensed for the objective period upon such terms as are approved by thecouncil.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session