63J-1-701 - Request for in-depth budget review of agency or program -- Form of budget submitted.
63J-1-701. Request for in-depth budget review of agency or program -- Form ofbudget submitted.
The Legislative Management Committee, upon recommendation of an appropriationssubcommittee of the Legislature, may request of the governor for any designated fiscal year, anin-depth budget review of any state department, agency, institution, or program. Whenresponding to a request for an in-depth budget review, the governor shall submit for thedepartment, agency, institution, or program for the fiscal year indicated a budget prepared inaccordance with Section 63J-1-702 and using the format and procedures developed by thedirector of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget in cooperation with the legislativefiscal analyst. This format shall be constructed to assist the analyst and the Legislature inreviewing the justification for selected departments, agencies, and institutions or any of theirprograms and activities.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session