63C-9-402 - Executive director -- Duties.
63C-9-402. Executive director -- Duties.
The executive director shall:
(1) develop, for board approval, a master plan with a projection of at least 20 yearsconcerning the stewardship responsibilities, operation, activities, maintenance, preservation,restoration, and modification of the capitol hill complex, capitol hill facilities, and capitol hillgrounds, including, if directed by the board, a plan to restore the buildings to their originalarchitecture;
(2) develop, as part of the master plan submitted for board approval, a furnishings planfor the placement and care of objects under the care of the board;
(3) prepare, and recommend for board approval, an annual budget and work plan, that isconsistent with the master plan, for all work to be performed under this chapter, including usualoperations and maintenance and janitorial and preventative maintenance for the capitol hillcomplex, capitol hill facilities, capitol hill grounds, and their contents;
(4) develop an operations, maintenance, and janitorial program for the capitol hillcomplex, capitol hill facilities, capitol hill grounds, and their contents;
(5) develop a program to purchase or accept by donation, permanent loan, or outsidefunding items necessary to implement the master plan;
(6) develop and maintain a registration system and inventory of the contents of thecapitol hill facilities and capitol hill grounds and of the original documents relating to thebuildings' construction and alteration;
(7) develop a program to purchase or accept by donation, permanent loan, or outsidefunding items of historical significance that were at one time in the capitol hill facilities and thatare not owned by the state;
(8) develop a program to locate and acquire state-owned items of historical significancethat were at one time in the buildings;
(9) develop a collections policy regarding the items of historic significance as identifiedin the registration system and inventory for the approval of the board;
(10) assist in matters dealing with the preservation of historic materials;
(11) make recommendations on conservation needs and make arrangements to contractfor conservation services for objects of significance;
(12) make recommendations for the transfer or loan of objects of significance as detailedin the approved collections policy;
(13) make recommendations to transfer, sell, or otherwise dispose of unused surplusproperty that is not of significance as defined in the collections policy and by the registrationsystem;
(14) approve all art and exhibits placed on capitol hill after board approval;
(15) employ staff to assist him in administering this chapter and direct and coordinatetheir activities;
(16) contract for professional services of qualified consultants, including architecturalhistorians, landscape architects with experience in landscape architectural preservation,conservators, historians, historic architects, engineers, artists, exhibit designers, and craftsmen;
(17) prepare annually a complete and detailed written report for the board that accountsfor all funds received and disbursed by the board during the preceding fiscal year;
(18) develop and manage a visitor services program for capitol hill which shall includepublic outreach programs, public tours, events, a gift shop, and communication and public
relation services; and
(19) manage and organize all transit and parking programs on the capitol hill complex,except that:
(a) the Legislative Management Committee shall direct the executive director'smanagement and organization of transit and parking associated with the legislative area asdefined in Section 36-5-1; and
(b) the governor shall direct the executive director's management and organization oftransit and parking associated with the governor's area as defined in Section 67-1-16.
Amended by Chapter 10, 2008 General Session