63B-19-201 - Authorizations to design and construct capital facilities using institutional or agency funds.
63B-19-201. Authorizations to design and construct capital facilities usinginstitutional or agency funds.
(1) The Legislature intends that:
(a) Southern Utah University may, subject to the requirements of Title 63A, Chapter 5,State Building Board - Division of Facilities Construction and Management, use $10,000,000 indonations and the revenue bond authorized in Subsection 63B-19-102(6) to plan, design, andconstruct a Southern Utah Museum of Arts, with 28,000 new square feet;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may not request state funds for operation and maintenance costs orcapital improvements.
(2) The Legislature intends that:
(a) the University of Utah may, subject to the requirements of Title 63A, Chapter 5, StateBuilding Board - Division of Facilities Construction and Management, use $17,878,000 indonations, federal funds, and institutional funds to plan, design, and construct an addition to theHenry Eyring Building, with 40,915 new square feet;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may not request state funds for operation and maintenance costs orcapital improvements.
(3) The Legislature intends that:
(a) Utah State University may, subject to the requirements of Title 63A, Chapter 5, StateBuilding Board - Division of Facilities Construction and Management, use $3,000,000 indonations to plan, design, and construct a Botanical Center classroom building, with 7,900 newsquare feet;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may not request state funds for operation and maintenance costs orcapital improvements.
(4) The Legislature intends that:
(a) the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired in the Utah State Officeof Rehabilitation may, subject to the requirements of Title 63A, Chapter 5, State Building Board- Division of Facilities Construction and Management, use $1,497,000 in federal grants to plan,design, and construct a residential facility for the blind, with 8,000 new square feet;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the division may not request state funds for operation and maintenance costs orcapital improvements.
(5) The Legislature intends that:
(a) the Department of Public Safety may, subject to the requirements of Title 63A,Chapter 5, State Building Board - Division of Facilities Construction and Management, use$3,294,000 of nonlapsing balances within the driver license line item in the Department of PublicSafety budget in fiscal year 2010 to plan, design, and construct an Ogden driver license buildingwith 10,500 new square feet;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the department may not request state funds for operation and maintenance costs orcapital improvements.
(6) The Legislature intends that:
(a) the University of Utah may use donations to prepare preliminary plans for a dental
school building;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of the planning; and
(c) the University of Utah may not design or construct a dental school building unlessand until the Legislature authorizes:
(i) the design and construction of a dental school building;
(ii) the University to pursue the establishment of a dental school program; and
(iii) the appropriation of funds at a level sufficient to fund a dental school program at theUniversity of Utah.
Enacted by Chapter 100, 2010 General Session