63A-4-103 - Risk management -- Duties of state agencies.
63A-4-103. Risk management -- Duties of state agencies.
(1) (a) Unless specifically authorized by statute to do so, a state agency may not:
(i) purchase insurance or self-fund any risk unless authorized by the risk manager; or
(ii) procure or provide liability insurance for the state.
(b) (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1)(a), the State Board of Regentsmay authorize higher education institutions to purchase insurance for, or self-fund, risksassociated with their programs and activities that are not covered through the risk manager.
(ii) The State Board of Regents shall provide copies of those purchased policies to therisk manager.
(iii) The State Board of Regents shall ensure that the state is named as additional insuredon any of those policies.
(2) Each state agency shall:
(a) comply with reasonable risk related recommendations made by the risk manager;
(b) participate in risk management training activities conducted or sponsored by the riskmanager;
(c) include the insurance and liability provisions prescribed by the risk manager in allstate contracts, together with a statement certifying to the other party to the contract that theinsurance and liability provisions in the contract are those prescribed by the risk manager;
(d) at each principal design stage, provide written notice to the risk manager thatconstruction and major remodeling plans relating to agency buildings and facilities to be coveredby the fund are available for review, for risk control purposes, and make them available to therisk manager for his review and recommendations; and
(e) cooperate fully with requests from the risk manager for agency planning, program, orrisk related information, and allow the risk manager to attend agency planning and managementmeetings.
(3) Failure to include in the contract the provisions required by Subsection (2)(c) doesnot make the contract unenforceable by the state.
Amended by Chapter 324, 2010 General Session