62A-15-712 - Responsibilities of the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.

62A-15-712. Responsibilities of the Division of Substance Abuse and MentalHealth.
(1) The division shall ensure that the requirements of this part are met and applieduniformly by local mental health authorities across the state.
(2) Because the division must, under Section 62A-15-103, contract with, review,approve, and oversee local mental health authority plans, and withhold funds from local mentalhealth authorities and public and private providers for contract noncompliance or misuse ofpublic funds, the division shall:
(a) require each local mental health authority to submit its plan to the division by May 1of each year; and
(b) conduct an annual program audit and review of each local mental health authority inthe state, and its contract provider.
(3) (a) The division shall:
(i) provide a written report to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee by July1 of each year; and
(ii) provide an oral report to that committee, as requested.
(b) That report shall provide information regarding:
(i) the annual audit and review;
(ii) the financial expenditures of each local mental health authority and its contractprovider;
(iii) the status of each local authority's and its contract provider's compliance with itsplan, state statutes, and with the provisions of the contract awarded; and
(iv) whether audit guidelines established under Subsections 62A-15-713(2)(a) and67-3-1(10) provide the division with sufficient criteria and assurances of appropriateexpenditures of public funds.
(4) The annual audit and review described in Subsection (2)(b) shall, in addition to itemsdetermined by the division to be necessary and appropriate, include a review and determinationregarding whether or not:
(a) public funds allocated to local mental health authorities are consistent with servicesrendered and outcomes reported by it or its contract provider; and
(b) each local mental health authority is exercising sufficient oversight and control overpublic funds allocated for mental health programs and services.
(5) The Legislature may refuse to appropriate funds to the division if the division fails tocomply with the procedures and requirements of this section.

Amended by Chapter 78, 2003 General Session