62A-15-610 - Objectives of state hospital and other facilities -- Persons who may be admitted to state hospital.

62A-15-610. Objectives of state hospital and other facilities -- Persons who may beadmitted to state hospital.
(1) The objectives of the state hospital and other mental health facilities shall be to carefor all persons within this state who are subject to the provisions of this chapter; and to furnishthem with the proper attendance, medical treatment, seclusion, rest, restraint, amusement,occupation, and support that is conducive to their physical and mental well-being.
(2) Only the following persons may be admitted to the state hospital:
(a) persons 18 years of age and older who meet the criteria necessary for commitmentunder this part and who have severe mental disorders for whom no appropriate, less restrictivetreatment alternative is available;
(b) persons under 18 years of age who meet the criteria necessary for commitment underPart 7, Commitment of Persons Under Age 18 to Division of Substance Abuse and MentalHealth, and for whom no less restrictive alternative is available;
(c) persons adjudicated and found to be guilty and mentally ill under Title 77, Chapter16a, Commitment and Treatment of Mentally Ill Persons;
(d) persons adjudicated and found to be not guilty by reason of insanity who are under asubsequent commitment order because they are mentally ill and a danger to themselves or others,under Section 77-16a-302;
(e) persons found incompetent to proceed under Section 77-15-6;
(f) persons who require an examination under Title 77, Utah Code of CriminalProcedure; and
(g) persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections, admitted in accordance withSection 62A-15-605.5, giving priority to those persons with severe mental disorders.

Amended by Chapter 195, 2003 General Session