62A-4a-709 - Medical assistance identification.

62A-4a-709. Medical assistance identification.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "Adoption assistance" means financial support to adoptive parents provided under theAdoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, Titles IV (e) and XIX of the Social SecurityAct.
(b) "Adoption assistance agreement" means a written agreement between the divisionand adoptive parents or between any state and adoptive parents, providing for adoptionassistance.
(c) "Interstate compact" means an agreement executed by the division with any otherstate, under the authority granted in Section 62A-4a-907.
(2) The Employment Development Division in the Department of Workforce Servicesand the Division of Health Care Financing shall cooperate with the division and comply withinterstate compacts.
(3) A child who is a resident of this state and is the subject of an interstate compact isentitled to receive medical assistance identification from the Employment Development Divisionin the Department of Workforce Services and the Division of Health Care Financing by filing acertified copy of his adoption assistance agreement with that office. The adoptive parents shallannually provide that office with evidence, verifying that the adoption assistance agreement isstill effective.
(4) The Employment Development Division in the Department of Workforce Servicesshall consider the holder of medical assistance identification received under this section as it doesany other holder of medical assistance identification received under an adoption assistanceagreement executed by the division.
(5) The submission of any claim for payment or reimbursement under this section that isknown to be false, misleading, or fraudulent is punishable as a third degree felony.

Amended by Chapter 81, 2005 General Session