62A-4a-407 - Protective custody.

62A-4a-407. Protective custody.
(1) A physician examining or treating a child may take the child into protective custodynot to exceed 72 hours, without the consent of the child's parent, guardian, or any other personresponsible for the child's care or exercising temporary or permanent control over the child, whenthe physician has reason to believe that the child's life or safety will be in danger unlessprotective custody is exercised.
(2) The person in charge of a hospital or similar medical facility may retain protectivecustody of a child suspected of being abused or neglected, when he reasonably believes the factswarrant that retention. This action may be taken regardless of whether additional medicaltreatment is required, and regardless of whether the person responsible for the child's carerequests the child's return.
(3) The division shall be immediately notified of protective custody exercised under thissection. Protective custody under this section may not exceed 72 hours without an order of thedistrict or juvenile court.
(4) A person who takes a child into, or retains a child in, protective custody under thissection shall document:
(a) the grounds upon which the child was taken into, or retained in, protective custody;and
(b) the nature of, and necessity for, any medical care or treatment provided to the child.

Amended by Chapter 75, 2006 General Session