62A-4a-305 - Prevention and treatment programs.

62A-4a-305. Prevention and treatment programs.
Programs contracted under this part shall be designed to provide voluntary primary abuseand neglect prevention, and voluntary or court-ordered treatment services, including, withoutlimiting the generality of the foregoing, the following community-based programs:
(1) those relating to prenatal care, perinatal bonding, child growth and development,basic child care, care of children with special needs, and coping with family stress;
(2) those relating to crisis care, aid to parents, abuse counseling, support groups forabusive or potentially abusive parents and their children, and early identification of familieswhere the potential for abuse and neglect exists;
(3) those clearly designed to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of abuse, neglect,sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, medical or educational neglect, and such other programs as thedivision and council may from time to time consider potentially effective in reducing theincidence of family problems leading to abuse or neglect; and
(4) those designed to establish and assist community resources that prevent abuse andneglect.

Amended by Chapter 75, 2009 General Session