62A-4a-205.6 - Adoptive placement time frame -- Contracting with agencies.

62A-4a-205.6. Adoptive placement time frame -- Contracting with agencies.
(1) With regard to a child who has a primary permanency goal of adoption or for whom afinal plan for pursuing termination of parental rights has been approved in accordance withSection 78A-6-314, the division shall make intensive efforts to place the child in an adoptivehome within 30 days of the earlier of:
(a) approval of the final plan; or
(b) establishment of the primary permanency goal.
(2) If within the time periods described in Subsection (1) the division is unable to locatea suitable adoptive home, it shall contract with licensed child placing agencies to search for anappropriate adoptive home for the child, and to place the child for adoption. The division shallcomply with the requirements of Section 62A-4a-607 and contract with a variety of child placingagencies licensed under Part 6. In accordance with federal law, the division shall develop plansfor the effective use of cross-jurisdictional resources to facilitate timely adoptive or permanentplacements for waiting children.
(3) The division shall ensure that children who are adopted and were previously in itscustody, continue to receive the medical and mental health coverage that they are entitled tounder state and federal law.

Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session