59-22-305 - Releasing parties.
59-22-305. Releasing parties.
"Releasing Parties," which is referenced in Subsection 59-22-202(8), is defined in theMaster Settlement Agreement as follows:
(1) "Releasing Parties" means each Settling State and any of its past, present and futureagents, officials acting in their official capacities, legal representatives, agencies, departments,commissions and divisions; and also means, to the full extent of the power of the signatorieshereto to release past, present and future claims, the following: (1) any Settling State'ssubdivisions, political or otherwise, including, but not limited to, municipalities, counties,parishes, villages, unincorporated districts and hospital districts, public entities, publicinstrumentalities and public educational institutions; and (2) persons or entities acting in a parenspatriae, sovereign, quasi-sovereign, private attorney general, qui tam, taxpayer, or any othercapacity, whether or not any of them participate in this settlement, (A) to the extent that any suchperson or entity is seeking relief on behalf of or generally applicable to the general public in suchSettling State or the people of the State, as opposed solely to private or individual relief forseparate and distinct injuries, or (B) to the extent that any such entity, as opposed to an individual,is seeking recovery of health-care expenses, other than premium or capitation payments for thebenefit of present or retired state employees, paid or reimbursed, directly or indirectly, by aSettling State.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 229, 2000 General Session