59-13-202 - Refund of tax for agricultural uses on individual income and corporate franchise and income tax returns -- Application for permit for refund -- Division of Finance to pay claims -- Rules p
59-13-202. Refund of tax for agricultural uses on individual income and corporatefranchise and income tax returns -- Application for permit for refund -- Division of Financeto pay claims -- Rules permitted to enforce part -- Penalties.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) (i) Except at provided in Subsection (1)(a)(ii), "claimant" means a resident ornonresident person.
(ii) "Claimant" does not include an estate or trust.
(b) "Estate" means a nonresident estate or a resident estate.
(c) "Refundable tax credit" or "tax credit" means a tax credit that a claimant, estate, ortrust may claim:
(i) as provided by statute; and
(ii) regardless of whether, for the taxable year for which the claimant, estate, or trustclaims the tax credit, the claimant, estate, or trust has a tax liability under:
(A) Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or
(B) Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
(d) "Trust" means a nonresident trust or a resident trust.
(2) Any claimant, estate, or trust that purchases and uses any motor fuel within the statefor the purpose of operating or propelling stationary farm engines and self-propelled farmmachinery used for nonhighway agricultural uses, and that has paid the tax on the motor fuel asprovided by this part, is entitled to a refund of the tax subject to the conditions and limitationsprovided under this part.
(3) (a) A claimant, estate, or trust desiring a nonhighway agricultural use refund underthis part shall claim the refund as a refundable tax credit on the tax return the claimant, estate, ortrust files under:
(i) Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or
(ii) Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
(b) A claimant, estate, or trust not subject to filing a tax return described in Subsection(3)(a) shall obtain a permit and file claims on a calendar year basis.
(c) Any claimant, estate, or trust claiming a refundable tax credit under this section isrequired to furnish any or all of the information outlined in this section upon request of thecommission.
(d) A refundable tax credit under this section is allowed only on purchases on which taxis paid during the taxable year covered by the tax return.
(4) In order to obtain a permit for a refund of motor fuel tax paid, an application shall befiled containing:
(a) the name of the claimant, estate, or trust;
(b) the claimant's, estate's, or trust's address;
(c) location and number of acres owned and operated, location and number of acresrented and operated, the latter of which shall be verified by a signed statement from the legalowner;
(d) number of acres planted to each crop, type of soil, and whether irrigated or dry; and
(e) make, size, type of fuel used, and power rating of each piece of equipment using fuel. If the claimant, estate, or trust is an operator of self-propelled or tractor-pulled farm machinerywith which the claimant, estate, or trust works for hire doing custom jobs for other farmers, theapplication shall include information the commission requires and shall all be contained in, and
be considered part of, the original application. The claimant, estate, or trust shall also file withthe application a certificate from the county assessor showing each piece of equipment usingfuel. This original application and all information contained in it constitutes a permanent filewith the commission in the name of the claimant, estate, or trust.
(5) Any claimant, estate, or trust claiming the right to a refund of motor fuel tax paidshall file a claim with the commission by April 15 of each year for the refund for the previouscalendar year. The claim shall state the name and address of the claimant, estate, or trust, thenumber of gallons of motor fuel purchased for nonhighway agricultural uses, and the amountpaid for the motor fuel. The claimant, estate, or trust shall retain the original invoice to supportthe claim. No more than one claim for a tax refund may be filed annually by each user of motorfuel purchased for nonhighway agricultural uses.
(6) Upon commission approval of the claim for a refund, the Division of Finance shallpay the amount found due to the claimant, estate, or trust. The total amount of claims for refundsshall be paid from motor fuel taxes.
(7) The commission may promulgate rules to enforce this part, and may refuse to acceptas evidence of purchase or payment any instruments which show alteration or which fail toindicate the quantity of the purchase, the price of the motor fuel, a statement that it is purchasedfor purposes other than transportation, and the date of purchase and delivery. If the commissionis not satisfied with the evidence submitted in connection with the claim, it may reject the claimor require additional evidence.
(8) Any claimant, estate, or trust aggrieved by the decision of the commission withrespect to a refundable tax credit or refund may file a request for agency action, requesting ahearing before the commission.
(9) Any claimant, estate, or trust that makes any false claim, report, or statement, asclaimant, estate, trust, agent, or creditor, with intent to defraud or secure a refund to which theclaimant, estate, or trust is not entitled, is subject to the criminal penalties provided under Section59-1-401, and the commission shall initiate the filing of a complaint for alleged violations of thispart. In addition to these penalties, the claimant, estate, or trust may not receive any refund as aclaimant, estate, or trust or as a creditor of a claimant, estate, or trust for refund for a period offive years.
(10) Refunds to which a claimant, estate, or trust is entitled under this part shall be paidfrom the Transportation Fund.
Amended by Chapter 223, 2006 General Session