59-5-201 - Definitions.
59-5-201. Definitions.
As used in this part:
(1) (a) "Metalliferous minerals" includes any ore, metal, or other substance containing thefollowing:
(i) aluminum;
(ii) antimony;
(iii) arsenic;
(iv) barium;
(v) beryllium;
(vi) bismuth;
(vii) boron;
(viii) cadmium;
(ix) calcium;
(x) cerium;
(xi) cesium;
(xii) chromium;
(xiii) cobalt;
(xiv) columbium;
(xv) copper;
(xvi) gallium;
(xvii) germanium;
(xviii) gold;
(xix) hafnium;
(xx) indium;
(xxi) iridium;
(xxii) iron;
(xxiii) lanthanum;
(xxiv) lead;
(xxv) lithium;
(xxvi) manganese;
(xxvii) mercury;
(xxviii) molybdenum;
(xxix) nickel;
(xxx) osmium;
(xxxi) palladium;
(xxxii) platinum;
(xxxiii) praseodymium;
(xxxiv) rare earth metals;
(xxxv) rhenium;
(xxxvi) rhodium;
(xxxvii) rubidium;
(xxxviii) ruthenium;
(xxxix) samarium;
(xl) scandium;
(xli) selenium;
(xlii) silicon;
(xliii) silver;
(xliv) sodium;
(xlv) strontium;
(xlvi) tantalum;
(xlvii) tellurium;
(xlviii) thallium;
(xlix) thorium;
(l) tin;
(li) titanium;
(lii) tungsten;
(liii) uranium;
(liv) vanadium;
(lv) yttrium;
(lvi) zinc; or
(lvii) zirconium.
(b) "Metalliferous minerals" does not include:
(i) chloride compounds or salts;
(ii) potash;
(iii) rock, sand, gravel, and stone products;
(iv) gypsum;
(v) sulfur or sulfuric acid;
(vi) gem stones;
(vii) ammonium nitrate;
(viii) carbon dioxide;
(ix) oil, gas, coal, and all carboniferous materials; or
(x) phosphate.
(2) "Mine" means an operation for extracting minerals and includes any deposit ofvaluable metalliferous minerals that are being extracted from a natural deposit, or a secondarysource including tails, slag, waste dumps, or other similar secondary source, whether in solutionor otherwise.
(3) "Mining" means the act, process, or work of extracting minerals from their naturaloccurring environment or from a mine, and transporting or moving those minerals to the point ofprocessing, use, or sale. "Mining" includes the process of leaching minerals from their naturallyoccurring deposit.
(4) "Ore" means raw materials in their natural state or condition prior to beneficiation orprocessing, and includes mined raw materials extracted prior to further processing. "Ore"includes any metalliferous material whose metal content is less than 15% and does not includeany material whose metal content is 15% or greater.
Amended by Chapter 287, 1990 General Session