59-2-704 - Assessment studies -- Sharing of data -- Factoring assessment rates -- Corrective action.
59-2-704. Assessment studies -- Sharing of data -- Factoring assessment rates --Corrective action.
(1) Each year, to assist in the evaluation of appraisal performance of taxable realproperty, the commission shall conduct and publish studies to determine the relationship betweenthe market value shown on the assessment roll and the market value of real property in eachcounty. The studies shall include measurements of uniformity within counties and use statisticalmethods established by the commission. County assessors may provide sales information to thecommission for purposes of the studies. The commission shall make the sales and appraisalinformation related to the studies available to the assessors upon request.
(2) The commission shall, each year, order each county to adjust or factor its assessmentrates using the most current studies so that the assessment rate in each county is in accordancewith that prescribed in Section 59-2-103. The adjustment or factoring may include an entirecounty, geographical areas within a county, and separate classes of properties. Where significantvalue deviations occur, the commission shall also order corrective action.
(3) If the commission determines that sales data in any county is insufficient to performthe studies required under Subsection (1), the commission may conduct appraisals of propertywithin that county.
(4) If a county fails to implement factoring or corrective action ordered under Subsection(2), the commission shall:
(a) implement the factoring or corrective action; and
(b) charge 100% of the reasonable implementation costs to that county.
(5) If a county disputes the factoring or corrective action ordered under Subsection (2),the matter may be mediated by the Multicounty Appraisal Trust.
(6) The commission may change the factor for any county which, after a hearing beforethe commission, establishes that the factor should properly be set at a different level for thatcounty. The commission shall establish the method, procedure, and timetable for the hearingsauthorized under this section, including access to information to ensure a fair hearing. Thecommission may establish rules to implement this section.
Amended by Chapter 9, 2001 General Session