59-2-1354 - Notice of intention to foreclose -- Service of notice.
59-2-1354. Notice of intention to foreclose -- Service of notice.
Before the commencement of any action, 30 days' written notice of intention to do so shallbe given to the owner, if known, by enclosing the notice in an envelope plainly addressed to theowner at the owner's post office address, as shown on the last assessment roll of the county inwhich the real estate is located, postage prepaid. If the post office address of any owner does notappear on the assessment roll, notice shall be addressed to the owner at the general delivery at thepost office in the city, town, or precinct where the real estate is located, postage prepaid. Serviceof the notice is complete when deposited in the United States mail.
Amended by Chapter 9, 2001 General Session