58-44a-102 - Definitions.

58-44a-102. Definitions.
In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102, as used in this chapter:
(1) "Administrative penalty" means a monetary fine imposed by the division for acts oromissions determined to constitute unprofessional or unlawful conduct in accordance with a fineschedule established by rule and as a result of an adjudicative proceeding conducted inaccordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
(2) "Board" means the Certified Nurse Midwife Board created in Section 58-44a-201.
(3) "Consultation and Referral Plan" means a written plan jointly developed by acertified nurse midwife, as defined in Subsection (6), and a consulting physician that permits thecertified nurse midwife to prescribe schedule II-III controlled substances in consultation with theconsulting physician.
(4) "Consulting physician" means a physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician:
(a) licensed as a physician;
(b) qualified by education, training, and current practice in obstetrics, gynecology, orboth to act as a consulting physician to a nurse midwife practicing under this chapter andproviding intrapartum care or prescribing Schedule II-III controlled substances; and
(c) who has agreed under a practice plan to be available to consult with a nurse midwife,which plan does not include the consulting physician's being present at the time or place thenurse midwife is engaged in practice.
(5) "Individual" means a natural person.
(6) "Nurse midwife" means a person licensed under this chapter to engage in practice asa certified nurse midwife.
(7) "Physician" means a physician and surgeon or osteopathic surgeon licensed underTitle 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act or Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic MedicalPractice Act.
(8) "Practice as a certified nurse midwife" means:
(a) practice as a registered nurse as defined in Section 58-31b-102, and as consistent withthe education, training, experience, and current competency of the licensee; and
(b) practice of nursing within the generally recognized scope and standards of nursemidwifery as defined by rule and consistent with professionally recognized preparations andeducational standards of a certified nurse midwife by a person licensed under this chapter, whichpractice includes the authority to:
(i) elicit and record a patient's complete health information, including physicalexamination, history, and laboratory findings commonly used in providing obstetrical,gynecological, and well infant services to a patient;
(ii) assess findings and upon abnormal findings from the history, physical examination,or laboratory findings, manage the treatment of the patient, collaborate with the consultingphysician or another qualified physician, or refer the patient to the consulting physician or toanother qualified physician as appropriate;
(iii) diagnose, plan, and implement appropriate patient care, including the administrationand prescribing of:
(A) prescription drugs;
(B) schedule IV-V controlled substances; and
(C) schedule II-III controlled substances in accordance with a consultation and referralplan;

(iv) evaluate the results of patient care;
(v) consult as is appropriate regarding patient care and the results of patient care;
(vi) manage the intrapartum period according to accepted standards of nurse midwiferypractice and a written practice and referral plan, including performance of routine episiotomy andrepairs, and administration of anesthesia, including local, pudendal, or paracervical blockanesthesia, but not including general anesthesia and major conduction anesthesia;
(vii) manage the postpartum period;
(viii) provide gynecological services;
(ix) provide noncomplicated newborn and infant care to the age of one year; and
(x) represent or hold oneself out as a certified nurse midwife, or nurse midwife, or usethe title certified nurse midwife, nurse midwife, or the initials C.N.M., N.M., or R.N.
(9) "Practice and referral plan" means a written plan entered into with a consultingphysician and detailing guidelines by which a certified nurse midwife consults, collaborates, andrefers patients.
(10) "Unlawful conduct" is defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-44a-501.
(11) "Unlicensed assistive personnel" means any unlicensed person, regardless of title, towhom tasks are delegated by a licensed certified nurse midwife in accordance with the standardsof the profession as defined by rule.
(12) "Unprofessional conduct" is defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-44a-502 and asmay be further defined by rule.

Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session