Chapter 12 - Utah Relocation Assistance Act
- 57-12-1 - Short title.
- 57-12-2 - Declaration of policy.
- 57-12-3 - Definitions.
- 57-12-4 - Federal funds -- Direct assistance.
- 57-12-5 - Reimbursement of owner for expenses.
- 57-12-6 - Buildings, structures or other improvements.
- 57-12-7 - Replacement property.
- 57-12-8 - Advisory program.
- 57-12-9 - Rules of displacing agency.
- 57-12-10 - Displacing agency may contract for services or function through another agency.
- 57-12-11 - Payments not income or resources for welfare or tax purposes.
- 57-12-12 - Judicial review.
- 57-12-13 - Procedure for acquisition of property.
- 57-12-14 - Dispute resolution -- Additional appraisal.