54-8-17 - Assessments -- Hearings on -- Corrections of -- Assessment not to exceed benefit.
54-8-17. Assessments -- Hearings on -- Corrections of -- Assessment not to exceedbenefit.
On the date and at the time and place specified in the aforesaid notice, the governing bodyshall, in open and public session, hear all arguments relating to the benefits accruing to any tract,block, lot or parcel of land therein and the amounts proposed to be assessed against any suchtract, block, lot or parcel. The hearing may be adjourned from time to time to a fixed future timeand place. After the hearing has been concluded and all persons desiring to be heard have beenheard, the governing body shall consider the arguments presented and shall make such correctionsin the assessment list as may be considered just and equitable. Such corrections may eliminate,may increase, or may decrease the amount of the assessment proposed to be levied against anypiece of property. However, no increase of any proposed assessment shall be valid unless theowner of the property is given notice and an opportunity to be heard. After such corrections havebeen made, the governing body shall make a specific finding that no proposed assessment on thecorrected assessment list exceeds the benefit to be derived from the improvement by the piece ofproperty to be so assessed and that no piece of property so listed will bear more than its properproportionate share of the cost of such improvement.
Enacted by Chapter 157, 1969 General Session