54-3-7 - Charges not to vary from schedules -- Refunds and rebates forbidden -- Exceptions.
54-3-7. Charges not to vary from schedules -- Refunds and rebates forbidden --Exceptions.
Except as provided in this chapter or Chapter 8b, Public Telecommunications Law, nopublic utility shall charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less or different compensationfor any product or commodity furnished or to be furnished, or for any service rendered or to berendered, than the rates, tolls, rentals and charges applicable to such products or commodity orservice as specified in its schedules on file and in effect at the time; nor shall any such publicutility refund or remit, directly or indirectly, in any manner or by any device, any portion of therates, tolls, rentals and charges so specified; nor extend to any person any form of contract oragreement, or any rule or regulation, or any facility or privilege except such as are regularly anduniformly extended to all corporations and persons; provided, that the commission may, by ruleor order, establish such exceptions from the operation of this prohibition as it may consider justand reasonable as to any public utility.
Amended by Chapter 5, 2005 General Session