53B-6-101 - Additional responsibilities of the board -- Studies and evaluations -- Master plan for higher education -- Productivity -- Institutional student assessment -- Biennial accountability repor
53B-6-101. Additional responsibilities of the board -- Studies and evaluations --Master plan for higher education -- Productivity -- Institutional student assessment --Biennial accountability report to the Legislature.
(1) The board shall conduct continuing studies and evaluations of the facilities, grounds,buildings, and equipment at the higher education institutions under its jurisdiction and use spaceutilization and other studies conducted by the State Building Board.
(2) The board shall establish and maintain an up-to-date master plan which shall include:
(a) providing for statewide planning of public higher education in terms of aims,purposes, and objectives of the system as a whole;
(b) establishing and defining the role and programs of each institution within the system;
(c) establishing criteria for and determination of the future needs and requirements fornew programs and new institutions and the elimination, curtailment, or consolidation of existingprograms and facilities;
(d) providing for the initiation and financing of projects as considered necessary to meetand satisfy the projected patterns of growth and maintenance;
(e) establishing criteria for and determination of the operating and capital budgetaryneeds of each institution and the system as a whole;
(f) recommending the methods and sources of future financial support of the highereducation system;
(g) establishing procedures for the development of maximum utilization of existingfacilities as suggested by space utilization studies conducted by the State Building Board; and
(h) securing an adequate and coordinated program for the community colleges and careerand technical education programs in the institutions and departments in the state system of highereducation.
(3) (a) The board may do all things necessary for the effective implementation of thestatewide master plan as adopted and revised by the board from time to time.
(b) The State Board of Education and the Utah College of Applied Technology shallprovide career and technical education staff assistance to the State Board of Regents in support ofmaster planning activities related to career and technical education in higher education.
(4) (a) The board shall adopt rules and initiate programs to promote and increaseproductivity in the state system of higher education.
(b) The board shall require each college and university in the system to establish multiplemeasures of institutional and student assessment in order to improve student instruction,academic programs, and learning opportunities.
(c) The board shall submit a biennial accountability report to the Legislature, which shallinclude such factors as:
(i) space utilization, faculty productivity, and other similar measures of the managementof institutional resources at each institution; and
(ii) student assessment at entry to each institution, at critical midway points, and at exit.
(d) The board shall establish a systemwide committee to address assessment andaccountability issues and propose essential elements to be included in the biennial report.
Amended by Chapter 346, 2009 General Session