53A-3-701 - School and school district professional development plans.
53A-3-701. School and school district professional development plans.
(1) (a) Each public school and school district shall develop and implement a systematic,comprehensive, and long-term plan for staff professional development.
(b) Each school shall use its school community council, school directors, or asubcommittee or task force created by the school community council as provided in Section53A-1a-108 to help develop and implement the plan.
(2) Each plan shall include the following components:
(a) an alignment of professional development activities at the school and school districtlevel with:
(i) the school improvement plan under Section 53A-1a-108.5;
(ii) the School LAND Trust Program authorized under Section 53A-16-101.5;
(iii) the Utah Performance Assessment System for Students under Title 53A, Chapter 1,Part 6, Achievement Tests;
(iv) Sections 53A-6-101 through 53A-6-104 of the Educator Licensing and ProfessionalPractices Act;
(v) Title 53A, Chapter 9, Teacher Career Ladders; and
(vi) Title 53A, Chapter 10, Educator Evaluation;
(b) provision for the development of internal instructional leadership and support;
(c) the periodic presence of all stakeholders at the same time in the professionaldevelopment process, to include administrators, educators, support staff, parents, and students;
(d) provisions for the use of consultants to enhance and evaluators to assess theeffectiveness of the plan as implemented; and
(e) the time required for and the anticipated costs of implementing and maintaining theplan.
(3) (a) Each local school board shall review and either approve or recommendmodifications for each school plan within its district so that each school's plan is compatible withthe district plan.
(b) The board shall:
(i) provide positive and meaningful assistance to a school, if requested by its communitycouncil or school directors, in drafting and implementing its plan; and
(ii) monitor the progress of each school plan and hold each school accountable formeeting the objectives of its plan.
(4) The State Board of Education, through the superintendent of public instruction, shallwork with school districts to identify the resources required to implement and maintain eachschool's and school district's professional development plan required under this section.
Amended by Chapter 221, 2003 General Session