53-10-605 - Use of money in restricted account -- Criteria -- Administration.

53-10-605. Use of money in restricted account -- Criteria -- Administration.
(1) Subject to an annual legislative appropriation from the restricted account to:
(a) the committee, the committee shall:
(i) authorize the use of the money in the fund, by grant to a local entity or state agency inaccordance with this Subsection (1) and Subsection (2);
(ii) grant to state agencies and local entities an amount not to exceed the per month feelevied on telecommunications service under Section 69-2-5.6 for installation, implementation,and maintenance of unified, statewide 911 emergency services and technology; and
(iii) in addition to any money under Subsection (1)(a)(ii), grant to counties of the thirdthrough sixth class the amount dedicated for rural assistance, which is at least 3 cents per monthlevied on telecommunications service under Section 69-2-5.6 to:
(A) enhance the 911 emergency services with a focus on areas or counties that do nothave E-911 services; and
(B) where needed, assist the counties, in cooperation with private industry, with thecreation or integration of wireless systems and location technology in rural areas of the state;
(b) the committee, the committee shall:
(i) include reimbursement to a provider of radio communications service, as defined inSection 69-2-2, for costs as provided in Subsection (1)(b)(ii); and
(ii) an agreement to reimburse costs to a provider of radio communications services mustbe a written agreement among the committee, the local public safety answering point and thecarrier; and
(c) the state's Automated Geographic Reference Center in the Division of IntegratedTechnology of the Department of Technology Services, an amount equal to 1 cent per monthlevied on telecommunications service under Section 69-2-5.6 shall be used to enhance andupgrade statewide digital mapping standards.
(2) (a) Beginning July 1, 2007, the committee may not grant the money in the restrictedaccount to a local entity unless the local entity is in compliance with Phase I, wireless E-911service.
(b) Beginning July 1, 2009, the committee may not grant money in the restricted accountto a local entity unless the local entity is in compliance with Phase II, wireless E-911 service.
(3) A local entity must deposit any money it receives from the committee into a specialemergency telecommunications service fund in accordance with Subsection 69-2-5(4).
(4) For purposes of this part, "local entity" means a county, city, town, local district,special service district, or interlocal entity created under Title 11, Chapter 13, InterlocalCooperation Act.

Amended by Chapter 278, 2010 General Session