53-7-306 - Duties and powers of the board -- Fee setting.
53-7-306. Duties and powers of the board -- Fee setting.
(1) The board shall monitor rates charged in the industry for container removal.
(2) The board may:
(a) set civil penalties for violation of any rule or order made under this part;
(b) in conducting hearings on the issuance or revocation of any license:
(i) compel the attendance of witnesses by subpoena;
(ii) require the production of any records or documents determined by it to be pertinent tothe subject matter of the hearing; and
(iii) apply to the district court of the county where the hearing is held for an order citingany applicant or witness for contempt, and for failure to attend, testify, or produce requireddocuments;
(c) suspend or revoke licenses and refuse renewals of licenses if the applicant or licenseehas been guilty of conduct harmful to either the safety or protection of the public;
(d) adopt bylaws for its procedures and methods of operation; and
(e) at the request of the enforcing authority, grant exceptions from its rules toaccommodate local needs as it determines to be in the best interest of public safety or the personsusing LPG materials or services.
(3) The board shall, in accordance with Section 53-7-314, establish fees to cover the costof administering this section.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 234, 1993 General Session