41-1a-801 - Altered or changed identification number -- State assigned identification number.

41-1a-801. Altered or changed identification number -- State assignedidentification number.
(1) The owner of a vehicle required to be registered under this chapter, the identificationnumber of which has been altered, removed, defaced, or has not been placed on it shall makeapplication in the form prescribed by the division for a state assigned identification number.
(2) The owner shall furnish information that will satisfy the division that he is the ownerof the vehicle and furnish information to identify the vehicle with the registration of the vehiclefor the current year, at which time the division shall assign a state identification number for thevehicle.
(3) A record of state assigned numbers shall be maintained by the division.
(4) The state assigned identification number is the identification number of the vehiclewhen:
(a) the owner has stamped the state assigned identification number upon the vehicle asdirected by the division;
(b) a qualified identification number inspector has inspected and found the state assignedidentification number stamped upon the vehicle as directed;
(c) the owner has provided the division with a certificate of inspection; and
(d) the owner has submitted an application for a certificate of title.

Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 1, 1992 General Session