41-1a-518 - Duplicate titles.

41-1a-518. Duplicate titles.
(1) (a) If a certificate of title is lost, stolen, mutilated, or becomes illegible, the owner,legal representative, or successor in interest of the owner of the vehicle, vessel, or outboard motorfor which the certificate was issued, as shown by the records of the division, shall immediatelyapply for and may obtain a duplicate upon furnishing information satisfactory to the division.
(b) A certificate of title issued under this section shall have printed or stamped in inkupon its face "duplicate".
(c) The duplicate certificate, when properly issued, supersedes and invalidates all othercertificates previously issued.
(2) (a) When the application for a duplicate certificate of title is accompanied by a properrelease of interest from the owner or owners of record and a proper release of interest from thelienholder of record and the release is accompanied by a proper application to title the vehicle,vessel, or outboard motor in the name of the new owner or owners, a duplicate certificate neednot be made.
(b) The division may issue a certificate of title in the name of the new owner or owners.
(c) The duplicate title fees provided under Part 12, Fee and Tax Requirements, apply.

Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 1, 1992 General Session
Amended by Chapter 218, 1992 General Session