41-1a-416 - Original issue license plates -- Alternative stickers -- Rulemaking.

41-1a-416. Original issue license plates -- Alternative stickers -- Rulemaking.
(1) The owner of a motor vehicle that is a model year 1973 or older may apply to thedivision for permission to display an original issue license plate of a format and type issued bythe state in the same year as the model year of the vehicle.
(2) The owner of a motor vehicle who desires to display original issue license platesinstead of license plates issued under Section 41-1a-401 shall:
(a) complete an application on a form provided by the division;
(b) supply and submit the original license plates that the owner desires to display to thedivision for approval; and
(c) pay the fees prescribed in Sections 41-1a-1206 and 41-1a-1211.
(3) The division, prior to approval of an application under this section, shall determinethat the original issue license plates:
(a) are of a format and type issued by the state for use on a motor vehicle in this state;
(b) have numbers and characters that are unique and do not conflict with existing licenseplate series in this state;
(c) are legible, durable, and otherwise in a condition that serves the purposes of thischapter, except that original issue license plates are exempt from the provision of Section41-1a-401 regarding reflectorization and Section 41-1a-403 regarding legibility from 100 feet;and
(d) are from the same year of issue as the model year of the motor vehicle on which theyare to be displayed.
(4) An owner of a motor vehicle displaying original issue license plates approved underthis section is not exempt from any other requirement of this chapter except as specified underthis section.
(5) (a) An owner of a motor vehicle currently registered in this state whose original issuelicense plates are not approved by the division because of the requirement in Subsection (3)(b)may apply to the division for a sticker to allow the temporary display of the original issue licenseplates if:
(i) the plates otherwise comply with this section;
(ii) the plates are only displayed when the motor vehicle is used for participating inmotor vehicle club activities, exhibitions, tours, parades, and similar activities and are not usedfor general daily transportation;
(iii) the license plates and registration issued under this chapter for normal use of themotor vehicle on the highways of this state are kept in the motor vehicle and shown to a peaceofficer on request; and
(iv) the sticker issued by the division under this subsection is properly affixed to the faceof the original issue license plate.
(b) The sticker issued under this section shall be the size and form customarily furnishedby the division.
(6) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thedivision may make rules for the implementation of this section.

Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session