41-1a-404 - Location and position of plates.

41-1a-404. Location and position of plates.
(1) License plates issued for a vehicle other than a motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer shallbe attached to the vehicle, one in the front and the other in the rear.
(2) The license plate issued for a motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer shall be attached tothe rear of the motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer.
(3) Every license plate shall at all times be:
(a) securely fastened:
(i) in a horizontal position to the vehicle for which it is issued to prevent the plate fromswinging;
(ii) at a height of not less than 12 inches from the ground, measuring from the bottom ofthe plate; and
(iii) in a place and position to be clearly visible; and
(b) maintained:
(i) free from foreign materials; and
(ii) in a condition to be clearly legible.
(4) Enforcement by a state or local law enforcement officer of the requirement underSubsection (1) to attach a license plate to the front of a vehicle shall be only as a secondary actionwhen the vehicle has been detained for a suspected violation by any person in the vehicle of Title41, Motor Vehicles, other than the requirement under Subsection (1) to attach a license plate tothe front of the vehicle, or for another offense.

Amended by Chapter 106, 2008 General Session