41-1a-402 - Required colors, numerals, and letters -- Expiration.

41-1a-402. Required colors, numerals, and letters -- Expiration.
(1) Each license plate shall have displayed on it:
(a) the registration number assigned to the vehicle for which it is issued;
(b) the name of the state; and
(c) a registration decal showing the date of expiration displayed in accordance withSubsection (6).
(2) If registration is extended by affixing a registration decal to the license plate, theexpiration date of the decal governs the expiration date of the license plate.
(3) Except as provided in Subsection (4), each original license plate that is not one of thespecial group license plates issued under Section 41-1a-418 shall be a:
(a) statehood centennial license plate with the same color, design, and slogan as theplates issued in conjunction with the statehood centennial; or
(b) Ski Utah license plate.
(4) Beginning on the date that the division determines the existing inventories ofstatehood centennial license plates and Ski Utah license plates are exhausted, each license platethat is not one of the special group license plates issued under Section 41-1a-418 shall:
(a) display the "Life Elevated" slogan; and
(b) have a color and design approved by the 57th Legislature in the 2007 General Sessionthat features:
(i) a skier with the "Greatest Snow on Earth" slogan; or
(ii) Delicate Arch.
(5) (a) Except as provided under Subsection 41-1a-215(2), license plates shall berenewed annually.
(b) (i) The division shall issue the vehicle owner a month decal and a year decal upon thevehicle's first registration with the division.
(ii) The division shall issue the vehicle owner only a year decal upon subsequentrenewals of registration to validate registration renewal.
(6) The decals issued in accordance with Subsection (5) shall be applied as follows:
(a) for license plates issued beginning in 1974 through 1985, decals displayed on licenseplates with black lettering on a white background shall be applied to the lower left-hand corner ofthe rear of the license plate vehicles;
(b) decals displayed on statehood centennial license plates and on Ski Utah license platesissued in accordance with Subsection (3) shall be applied to the upper left-hand corner of the rearlicense plate;
(c) decals displayed on special group license plates issued in accordance with Section41-1a-418 shall be applied to the upper right-hand corner of the license plate unless there is aplate indentation on the upper left-hand corner of the license plate;
(d) decals displayed on license plates with the "Life Elevated" slogan issued inaccordance with Subsection (4) shall be applied in the upper left-hand corner for the month decaland the upper right-hand corner for the year decal;
(e) decals issued for truck tractors shall be applied to the front license plate in theposition described in Subsection (6)(a), (b), or (d);
(f) decals issued for motorcycles shall be applied to the upper corner of the license plateopposite the word "Utah"; and
(g) decals displayed on license plates issued under Section 41-1a-416 shall be applied as

appropriate for the year of the plate.
(7) (a) The month decal issued in accordance with Subsection (5) shall be displayed onthe license plate in the left position.
(b) The year decal issued in accordance with Subsection (5) shall be displayed on thelicense plate in the right position.
(8) The current year decal issued in accordance with Subsection (5) shall be placed overthe previous year decal.
(9) If a license plate, month decal, or year decal is lost or destroyed, a replacement shallbe issued upon application and payment of the fees required under Section 41-1a-1211 or41-1a-1212.

Amended by Chapter 210, 2008 General Session