41-1a-1310 - Class B misdemeanors.

41-1a-1310. Class B misdemeanors.
It is a class B misdemeanor for any person to:
(1) fail to properly endorse and deliver a valid certificate of title to a vehicle, vessel, oroutboard motor to a transferee or owner lawfully entitled to it in accordance with Section41-1a-702, except as provided for under Sections 41-3-301, 41-1a-519, and 41-1a-709;
(2) fail to give an odometer disclosure statement to the transferee as required by Section41-1a-902;
(3) operate, or cause to be operated, a motor vehicle knowing that the odometer isdisconnected or nonfunctional, except while moving the motor vehicle to a place of repair;
(4) offer for sale, sell, use, or install on any part of a motor vehicle or on an odometer ina motor vehicle any device that causes the odometer to register miles or kilometers other than thetrue miles or kilometers driven as registered by the odometer within the manufacturer's designedtolerance;
(5) fail to adjust an odometer or affix a notice as required by Section 41-1a-906 regardingthe adjustment;
(6) remove, alter, or cause to be removed or altered any notice of adjustment affixed to amotor vehicle as required by Section 41-1a-906;
(7) fail to record the odometer reading on the certificate of title at the time of transfer; or
(8) accept or give an incomplete odometer statement when an odometer statement isrequired under Section 41-1a-902.

Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 1, 1992 General Session
Amended by Chapter 218, 1992 General Session