41-1a-109 - Grounds for division refusing registration or certificate of title.

41-1a-109. Grounds for division refusing registration or certificate of title.
(1) The division shall refuse registration or issuance of a certificate of title or any transferof registration upon any of the following grounds:
(a) the application contains any false or fraudulent statement;
(b) the applicant has failed to furnish required information or reasonable additionalinformation requested by the division;
(c) the applicant is not entitled to the issuance of a certificate of title or registration of thevehicle under this chapter;
(d) the division has reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle is a stolen vehicle orthat the granting of registration or the issuance of a certificate of title would constitute a fraudagainst the rightful owner or other person having a valid lien upon the vehicle;
(e) the registration of the vehicle is suspended or revoked for any reason provided in themotor vehicle laws of this state; or
(f) the required fees have not been paid.
(2) The division shall also refuse registration or any transfer of registration if the vehicleis mechanically unfit or unsafe to be operated or moved upon the highways.
(3) The division shall refuse registration or any transfer of registration of a vehicle uponnotification by the Department of Transportation that the vehicle or owner is not in compliancewith Title 72, Chapter 9, Motor Carrier Safety Act.
(4) The division may not register a vehicle if the registration of the vehicle is revokedunder Subsection 41-1a-110(2) until the applicant provides proof:
(a) of owner's or operator's security in a form allowed under Subsection41-12a-303.2(2)(b);
(b) of exemption from the owner's or operator's security requirements; or
(c) that the applicant was not an owner of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violationor on the day following the time limit provided after the second notice under Subsection41-12a-804(2).

Amended by Chapter 260, 2010 General Session