40-10-25 - Abandoned mine reclamation program -- Expenditure priorities -- Eligible lands and water -- Requirements for use of funds for reclamation or drainage abatement -- Priority sites -- Effect o
40-10-25. Abandoned mine reclamation program -- Expenditure priorities --Eligible lands and water -- Requirements for use of funds for reclamation or drainageabatement -- Priority sites -- Effect of release of bond or deposit.
(1) Grants made to the state by the secretary of the United States Department of Interiorfor the administration of an abandoned mine reclamation program and money of the AbandonedMine Reclamation Fund created in Section 40-10-25.1 shall be used by the division inaccordance with Sections 40-10-25 through 40-10-28.1.
(2) The expenditure of money shall reflect the following priorities:
(a) the protection of public health, safety, general welfare, and property from extremedanger of adverse effects of coal mining practices;
(b) the protection of public health, safety, and general welfare from adverse effects ofcoal mining practices;
(c) the restoration of land and water resources and the environment previously degradedby adverse effects of coal mining practices, including measures for the conservation anddevelopment of soil, water (excluding channelization), woodland, fish and wildlife, recreationresources, and agricultural productivity;
(d) the protection, repair, replacement, construction, or enhancement of public facilitiessuch as utilities, roads, and recreation and conservation facilities adversely affected by coalmining practices; and
(e) the development of publicly owned land adversely affected by coal mining practices,including land acquired as provided in this section for recreation and historic purposes,conservation, reclamation purposes, and open space benefits.
(3) Except as provided in Section 40-10-28.1, lands and water eligible for reclamation ordrainage abatement expenditures under this section are those which were mined for coal oraffected by coal mining, wastebanks, coal processing, or other coal mining processes and:
(a) abandoned or left in an inadequate reclamation status prior to August 3, 1977, and forwhich there is no continuing reclamation responsibility under state or federal laws; or
(b) left in an inadequate reclamation status and meet the criteria of Subsection (4)(a) or(b).
(4) Funds made available under this section may be used for reclamation or drainageabatement at a site referred to in Subsection (3) if:
(a) (i) operations occurred on the site during the period beginning August 4, 1977, andending before January 21, 1981; and
(ii) any funds for reclamation or abatement which are available pursuant to a loan orother form of financial guarantee or from any other source are not sufficient to provide foradequate reclamation or abatement at the site; or
(b) (i) operations occurred on the site during the period beginning on August 4, 1977,and ending on or before November 5, 1990; and
(ii) the surety of the mining operator became insolvent during that period, and as ofNovember 5, 1990, funds immediately available from proceedings relating to the insolvency, orfrom any financial guarantee or other source, are not sufficient to provide for adequatereclamation or abatement at the site.
(5) In determining which sites to reclaim, priority shall be given to those sites which arein the immediate vicinity of a residential area or which have an adverse economic impact upon alocal community.
(6) (a) Surface coal mining operations on lands eligible for remining will not affect theireligibility for reclamation and restoration under this chapter after the release of the bond ordeposit for the operation as provided under Section 40-10-16.
(b) When a bond or deposit for a surface coal mining operation on lands eligible forremining is forfeited, funds available under Section 40-10-25 may be used, if the amount of thebond or deposit is not sufficient to provide for adequate reclamation or abatement.
(c) Regardless of the requirements of Subsections (6)(a) and (b), the director of thedivision may expend money under Section 40-10-25.1 for any emergency requiring immediatereclamation.
Amended by Chapter 99, 1997 General Session