Chapter 34 - Utah Right to Work Law
- 34-34-1 - Short title.
- 34-34-2 - Public policy.
- 34-34-3 - "Employer" defined.
- 34-34-4 - Agreement, understanding or practice denying right to work declared illegal.
- 34-34-5 - Any agreement, understanding or practice designed to violate chapter declared illegal.
- 34-34-6 - Conduct forcing violation of act illegal -- Peaceful and orderly solicitation excepted.
- 34-34-7 - Compelling person to join or not join labor union unlawful.
- 34-34-8 - Employer not to require union membership.
- 34-34-9 - Employer not to require person to abstain from union membership.
- 34-34-10 - Employer not to require payment of dues, fees, or other charges to union.
- 34-34-11 - Injunctive relief -- Damages.
- 34-34-12 - Injunction against violating chapter.
- 34-34-13 - Damages for denial or deprivation of continuation of employment.
- 34-34-14 - Jurisdiction.
- 34-34-15 - Existing contracts -- Chapter applicable upon renewal or extension.
- 34-34-16 - Right to bargain collectively not denied.
- 34-34-17 - Violation of act a misdemeanor.