32A-8-106 (Repealed 07/01/11) - Operational restrictions.
32A-8-106 (Repealed 07/01/11). Operational restrictions.
Each person granted an alcoholic beverage manufacturing license and the employees andmanagement of the licensee shall abide by the following conditions and requirements, and anyspecial conditions and restrictions otherwise provided in this chapter. Failure to comply mayresult in a suspension or revocation of the license or other disciplinary action taken againstindividual employees or management personnel.
(1) A licensee may not sell any liquor within the state except to the department and tomilitary installations.
(2) Each license issued under this chapter shall be conspicuously displayed on thelicensed premises.
(3) A licensee may not advertise its product in violation of this title or any other federalor state law, except that nothing in this title prohibits the advertising or solicitation of orders forindustrial alcohol from holders of special permits.
(4) (a) Each alcoholic beverage manufacturing licensee shall maintain accounting andother records and documents as the department may require.
(b) A manufacturing licensee or person acting for the manufacturing licensee, whoknowingly forges, falsifies, alters, cancels, destroys, conceals, or removes the entries in any ofthe books of account or other documents of the licensee required to be made, maintained, orpreserved by this title or the rules of the commission for the purpose of deceiving thecommission, or the department, or any of their officials or employees, is subject to:
(i) the immediate suspension or revocation of the manufacturing license; and
(ii) criminal prosecution under Chapter 12, Criminal Offenses.
(5) An alcoholic beverage manufacturing license may not be transferred from onelocation to another, without prior written approval of the commission.
(6) (a) A manufacturing licensee may not sell, transfer, assign, exchange, barter, give, orattempt in any way to dispose of the license to any other person or entity, whether for monetarygain or not.
(b) A manufacturing license has no monetary value for the purpose of any type ofdisposition.
(7) Each licensee shall from time to time, on request of the department, furnish foranalytical purposes samples of the alcoholic products that it has for sale or that it has in thecourse of manufacture for sale in this state.
Repealed by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 284, 2007 General Session