31A-22-638 - Coverage for prosthetic devices.
31A-22-638. Coverage for prosthetic devices.
(1) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Orthotic device" means a rigid or semirigid device supporting a weak or deformedleg, foot, arm, hand, back, or neck, or restricting or eliminating motion in a diseased or injuredleg, foot, arm, hand, back, or neck.
(b) (i) "Prosthetic device" means an artificial limb device or appliance designed toreplace in whole or in part an arm or a leg.
(ii) "Prosthetic device" does not include an orthotic device.
(2) (a) Beginning January 1, 2011, an insurer, other than an insurer described inSubsection (2)(b), that provides a health benefit plan shall offer at least one plan, in each marketwhere the insurer offers a health benefit plan, that provides coverage for benefits for prostheticsthat includes:
(i) a prosthetic device;
(ii) all services and supplies necessary for the effective use of a prosthetic device,including:
(A) formulating its design;
(B) fabrication;
(C) material and component selection;
(D) measurements and fittings;
(E) static and dynamic alignments; and
(F) instructing the patient in the use of the prosthetic device;
(iii) all materials and components necessary to use the prosthetic device; and
(iv) any repair or replacement of a prosthetic device that is determined medicallynecessary to restore or maintain the ability to complete activities of daily living or essentialjob-related activities and that is not solely for comfort or convenience.
(b) Beginning January 1, 2011, an insurer that is subject to Title 49, Chapter 20, PublicEmployees' Benefit and Insurance Program Act, shall offer to a covered employer at least oneplan that:
(i) provides coverage for prosthetics that complies with Subsections (2)(a)(i) through(iv); and
(ii) requires an employee who elects to purchase the coverage described in Subsection(2)(b)(i) to pay an increased premium to pay the costs of obtaining that coverage.
(c) At least one of the plans with the prosthetic benefits described in Subsections (2)(a)and (b) that is offered by an insurer described in this Subsection (2) shall have a coinsurance rate,that applies to physical injury generally and to prosthetics, of 80% to be paid by the insurer and20% to be paid by the insured, if the prosthetic benefit is obtained from a person that the insurercontracts with or approves.
(d) For policies issued on or after July 1, 2010 until July 1, 2015, an insurer is exemptfrom the 30% index rating restrictions in Section 31A-30-106.1, and for the first year only thatcoverage under this section is chosen, the 15% annual adjustment restriction in Section31A-30-106.1, for any small employer with 20 or less enrolled employees who chooses coveragethat meets or exceeds the coverage under this section.
(3) The coverage described in this section:
(a) shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, be made subject to cost-sharingprovisions, including dollar limits, deductibles, copayments, and co-insurance, that are not less
favorable to the insured than the cost-sharing provisions of the health benefit plan that apply tophysical illness generally; and
(b) may limit coverage for the purchase, repair, or replacement of a microprocessorcomponent for a prosthetic device to $30,000, per limb, every three years.
(4) If the coverage described in this section is provided through a managed care plan,offered under Chapter 8, Health Maintenance Organizations and Limited Health Plans, or under apreferred provider plan under this chapter, the insured shall have access to medically necessaryprosthetic clinical care, and to prosthetic devices and technology, from one or more prostheticproviders in the managed care plan's provider network.
Enacted by Chapter 360, 2010 General Session