26-47-103 - Department to award grants for assistance to persons with bleeding disorders.

26-47-103. Department to award grants for assistance to persons with bleedingdisorders.
(1) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Hemophilia services" means a program for medical care, including the costs ofblood transfusions, and the use of blood derivatives and blood clotting factors.
(b) "Person with a bleeding disorder" means a person:
(i) who is medically diagnosed with hemophilia or a bleeding disorder;
(ii) who is not eligible for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program; and
(iii) who has either:
(A) insurance coverage that excludes coverage for hemophilia services;
(B) exceeded the person's insurance plan's annual maximum benefits;
(C) exceeded the person's annual or lifetime maximum benefits payable under Title 31A,Chapter 29, Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act; or
(D) insurance coverage available under either private health insurance, Title 31A,Chapter 29, Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act, Utah mini COBRA coverage underSection 31A-22-722, or federal COBRA coverage, but the premiums for that coverage are greaterthan a percentage of the person's annual adjusted gross income as established by the departmentby administrative rule.
(2) (a) Within appropriations specified by the Legislature for this purpose, thedepartment shall make grants to public and nonprofit entities who assist persons with bleedingdisorders with the cost of obtaining hemophilia services or the cost of insurance premiums forcoverage of hemophilia services.
(b) Applicants for grants under this section:
(i) must be submitted to the department in writing; and
(ii) must comply with Subsection (3).
(3) Applications for grants under this section shall include:
(a) a statement of specific, measurable objectives, and the methods to be used to assessthe achievement of those objectives;
(b) a description of the personnel responsible for carrying out the activities of the grantalong with a statement justifying the use of any grant funds for the personnel;
(c) letters and other forms of evidence showing that efforts have been made to securefinancial and professional assistance and support for the services to be provided under the grant;
(d) a list of services to be provided by the applicant;
(e) the schedule of fees to be charged by the applicant; and
(f) other provisions as determined by the department.
(4) The department may accept grants, gifts, and donations of money or property for useby the grant program.
(5) (a) The department shall establish rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, governing the application form, process, and criteria itwill use in awarding grants under this section.
(b) The department shall submit an annual report on the implementation of the grantprogram:
(i) by no later than November 1; and
(ii) to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee and the Health and HumanServices Appropriations Subcommittee.

Amended by Chapter 323, 2010 General Session