Chapter 25 - Wildlife Violator Compact
- 23-25-1 - Short title.
- 23-25-2 - Adoption and text of compact.
- 23-25-3 - Definitions.
- 23-25-4 - Procedures for issuing state.
- 23-25-5 - Procedure for home state.
- 23-25-6 - Reciprocal recognition of suspension.
- 23-25-7 - Applicability of other laws.
- 23-25-8 - Compact administrator procedures.
- 23-25-9 - Entry into compact and withdrawal.
- 23-25-10 - Amendments to the compact.
- 23-25-11 - Construction and severability.
- 23-25-12 - Title.
- 23-25-13 - Licensing authority -- Administrator -- Expenses.