23-23-7 - Permits -- Acreage and lands that may be included -- Posting of boundaries.
23-23-7. Permits -- Acreage and lands that may be included -- Posting ofboundaries.
(1) The division shall provide cooperative wildlife management unit authorizations forhunting small game or waterfowl to the cooperative wildlife management unit, free of charge.
(2) At least 50% of the cooperative wildlife management unit authorizations for huntingsmall game or waterfowl provided to a cooperative wildlife management unit shall be offered forsale to the general public at the times and places designated on the application for a certificate ofregistration.
(3) (a) Cooperative wildlife management units organized for hunting small game orwaterfowl shall consist of private land.
(b) At least 75% of the acreage within the boundaries of each cooperative wildlifemanagement unit organized for the hunting of small game or waterfowl shall be open to huntingby holders of valid authorizations.
(4) (a) The division may issue cooperative wildlife management unit permits for huntingcougar, turkey, or big game to permittees:
(i) qualifying through a public drawing; or
(ii) named by the cooperative wildlife management unit operator.
(b) The Wildlife Board may specify by rule those persons who are eligible to draw acooperative wildlife management unit permit in a public drawing.
(5) (a) Cooperative wildlife management units organized for hunting cougar, turkey, orbig game shall consist of private land to the extent practicable. Public land may be includedwithin a cooperative wildlife management unit if:
(i) the public land is completely surrounded by private land or is otherwise inaccessibleto the general public;
(ii) including public land is necessary to establish a readily identifiable boundary; or
(iii) including public land is necessary to achieve cougar, turkey, or big gamemanagement objectives.
(b) If any public land is included within a cooperative wildlife management unit:
(i) the landowner association shall meet applicable federal or state land use requirementson the public land; and
(ii) the Wildlife Board shall increase the number of permits or hunting opportunitiesmade available to the general public to reflect the proportion of public lands to private landswithin the cooperative wildlife management unit.
(6) Each landowner association shall:
(a) clearly post all boundaries of the unit by displaying signs containing informationprescribed by rule of the Wildlife Board at the locations specified in Subsection 23-20-14(1)(d);and
(b) provide a written copy of its guidelines to each holder of an authorization or permit.
Amended by Chapter 112, 2005 General Session