20A-5-602 - Poll workers -- Appointment for local elections.
20A-5-602. Poll workers -- Appointment for local elections.
(1) At least 15 days before the date scheduled for any local election, the municipallegislative body or local district board shall appoint or provide for the appointment of:
(a) in jurisdictions using paper ballots:
(i) three registered voters, or two registered voters and one person 17 years old who willbe 18 years old by the date of the regular municipal election, who reside within the county toserve as poll workers for each voting precinct when the ballots will be counted after the pollsclose; or
(ii) three registered voters, or two registered voters and one person 17 years old who willbe 18 years old by the date of the regular municipal election, who reside within the county toserve as receiving judges in each voting precinct and three registered voters, or two registeredvoters and one person 17 years old who will be 18 years old by the date of the regular municipalelection, who reside within the county to serve as counting judges in each voting precinct whenballots will be counted throughout election day;
(b) in jurisdictions using automated tabulating equipment, three registered voters, or tworegistered voters and one person 17 years old who will be 18 years old by the date of the regularmunicipal election, who reside within the county to serve as poll workers for each votingprecinct;
(c) in jurisdictions using voting machines, four registered voters, or three registeredvoters and one person 17 years old who will be 18 years old by the date of the regular municipalelection, who reside within the county to serve as poll workers for each voting precinct; and
(d) in all jurisdictions:
(i) at least one registered voter who resides within the county to serve as canvassingjudge, if necessary; and
(ii) as many alternate poll workers as needed to replace appointed poll workers who areunable to serve.
(2) The municipal legislative body and local district board may not appoint anycandidate's parent, sibling, spouse, child, or in-law to serve as a poll worker in the voting precinctwhere the candidate resides.
(3) The clerk shall:
(a) prepare and file a list containing the name, address, voting precinct, and telephonenumber of each person appointed; and
(b) make the list available in the clerk's office for inspection, examination, and copyingduring business hours.
(4) (a) The municipal legislative body and local district board shall compensate pollworkers for their services.
(b) The municipal legislative body and local district board may not compensate their pollworkers at a rate higher than that paid by the county to its poll workers.
Amended by Chapter 75, 2007 General Session
Amended by Chapter 256, 2007 General Session
Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session