20A-2-308 - Lieutenant governor and county clerks to preserve records.

20A-2-308. Lieutenant governor and county clerks to preserve records.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "Voter registration records" means all records concerning the implementation ofprograms and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring that the official register is accurateand current.
(b) "Voter registration records" does not mean records that:
(i) relate to a person's decision to decline to register to vote; and
(ii) identify the particular public assistance agency, discretionary voter registrationagency, or Driver License Division through which a particular voter registered to vote.
(2) The lieutenant governor and each county clerk shall:
(a) preserve for at least two years all records relating to voter registration, including:
(i) the official register; and
(ii) the names and addresses of all persons to whom the notice required by Section20A-2-306 was sent and a notation as to whether or not the person responded to the notice;
(b) make the records available for public inspection; and
(c) allow the records to be photocopied for a reasonable cost.

Enacted by Chapter 311, 1994 General Session