20A-2-300.6 - Chief elections officer.
20A-2-300.6. Chief elections officer.
(1) The lieutenant governor is Utah's chief elections officer.
(2) The lieutenant governor shall:
(a) oversee all of Utah's:
(i) voter registration activities; and
(ii) other responsibilities established by:
(A) Public Law 103-31, the National Voter Registration Act of 1993; and
(B) Public Law 107-252, the Help America Vote Act of 2002; and
(b) coordinate with local, state, and federal officials to ensure compliance with state andfederal election laws.
(3) The lieutenant governor, in cooperation with the county clerks, shall develop ageneral program to obtain change of address information in order to remove the names ofineligible voters from the official register.
Amended by Chapter 117, 2003 General Session