20A-1-601 - Bribery in elections -- Paying for votes -- Penalties.
20A-1-601. Bribery in elections -- Paying for votes -- Penalties.
(1) A person may not, directly or indirectly, by himself or through any other person:
(a) pay, loan, or contribute, or offer or promise to pay, loan, or contribute any money orother valuable consideration to or for any voter or to or for any other person:
(i) to induce the voter to vote or refrain from voting at any election provided by law;
(ii) to induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting at an election for any particularperson or measure;
(iii) to induce a voter to go to the polls or remain away from the polls at any election;
(iv) because a voter voted or refrained from voting for any particular person, or went tothe polls or remained away from the polls; or
(v) to obtain the political support or aid of any person at an election;
(b) give, offer, or promise any office, place, or employment, or to promise or procure, orendeavor to procure, any office, place, or employment, to or for any voter, or to or for any otherperson, in order to:
(i) induce a voter to vote or refrain from voting at any election;
(ii) induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting at an election for any particular personor measure; or
(iii) obtain the political support or aid of any person;
(c) advance or pay, or cause to be paid, any money or other valuable thing to, or for theuse of, any other person with the intent that the money or other valuable thing be used in briberyat any election provided by law; or
(d) knowingly pay, or cause to be paid, any money or other valuable thing to any personin discharge or repayment of any money expended wholly or in part in bribery at any election.
(2) In addition to the penalties established in Section 20A-1-609, a person who commitsan offense under Subsection (1) is guilty of a third degree felony.
Amended by Chapter 276, 2008 General Session