19-6-205 - Siting plan -- Procedure for adoption -- Review -- Effect.
19-6-205. Siting plan -- Procedure for adoption -- Review -- Effect.
(1) After completion of the guidelines, the board shall prepare and publish a preliminarysiting plan for the state. The preliminary siting plan is not final until adopted by the board inaccordance with Subsection (2) and shall be based upon the guidelines adopted under Section19-6-204 and be published within one year after adoption of the guidelines.
(2) (a) After completion of its guidelines, the board shall publish notice of intent toprepare a siting plan. The notice shall invite all interested persons to nominate sites for inclusionin the siting plan. It shall be published at least twice in not less than two newspapers withstatewide circulation and shall also be sent to any person, business, or other organization that hasnotified the board of an interest or involvement in hazardous waste management activities.
(b) Nominations for the location of hazardous waste sites shall be accepted by the boardfor a period of 120 days after the date of first publication of notice. Nominations may include adescription of the site or sites suggested or may simply suggest a general area. In addition, anynomination may provide data and reasons in support of inclusion of the site nominated.
(c) The board, in cooperation with other state agencies and private sources, shall thenprepare an inventory of:
(i) the hazardous wastes generated in the state;
(ii) those likely to be generated in the future;
(iii) those being generated in other states that are likely to be treated, disposed of, orstored in the state;
(iv) the sites within the state currently being used for hazardous waste and thosesuggested through the nomination process;
(v) the treatment, storage, and disposal processes and management practices that arerequired to comply with Section 19-6-108; and
(vi) an estimate of the public and private costs for meeting the long-term demand forhazardous waste treatment, disposal, and storage facilities.
(d) (i) After the hazardous waste inventory and cost estimate are complete, the board,with the use of the guidelines developed in Section 19-6-204, shall provide for the geographicaldistribution of enough sites to fulfill the state's needs for hazardous waste disposal, treatment, andstorage for the next 25 years.
(ii) The board shall not exclude any area of the state from consideration in the selection ofpotential sites but, to the maximum extent possible, shall give preference to sites located in areasalready dedicated through zoning or other land use regulations to industrial use or to areas locatednear industrial uses. However, the board shall give consideration to excluding an area designatedfor disposal of uranium mill tailings or for disposal of nuclear wastes unless the proposeddisposal site is approved by the affected county through its county executive and countylegislative body.
(e) The board shall also analyze and identify areas of the state where, due to theconcentration of industrial waste generation processes or to favorable geology or hydrology, theconstruction and operation of hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and storage facilities appearsto be technically, environmentally, and economically feasible.
(3) (a) The preliminary siting plan prepared pursuant to Subsection (2) shall, beforeadoption, be distributed to all units of local government located near existing or proposed sites.
(b) Notice of the availability of the preliminary siting plan for examination shall bepublished at least twice in two newspapers, if available, with general circulation in the areas of
the state that potentially will be affected by the plan.
(c) The board shall also issue a statewide news release that informs persons where copiesof the preliminary siting plan may be inspected or purchased at cost.
(d) After release of the preliminary siting plan, the board shall hold not less than twopublic hearings in different areas of the state affected by the proposed siting plan to allow localofficials and other interested persons to express their views and submit information relevant to theplan. The hearings shall be conducted not less than 60 nor more than 90 days after release of theplan. Within 30 days after completion of the hearings, the board shall prepare and make availablefor public inspection a summary of public comments.
(4) (a) The board, between 30 and 60 days after publication of the public comments, shallprepare a final siting plan.
(b) The final siting plan shall be widely distributed to members of the public.
(c) The board, at any time between 30 and 60 days after release of the final plan, on itsown initiative or that of interested parties, shall hold not less than two public hearings in each areaof the state affected by the final plan to allow local officials and other interested persons toexpress their views.
(d) The board, within 30 days after the last hearing, shall vote to adopt, adopt withmodification, or reject the final siting plan.
(5) (a) Any person adversely affected by the board's decision may seek judicial review ofthe decision by filing a petition for review with the district court for Salt Lake County within 90days after the board's decision.
(b) Judicial review may be had, however, only on the grounds that the board violated theprocedures set forth in this section, that it acted without or in excess of its powers, or that itsactions were arbitrary or capricious and not based on substantial evidence.
(6) If the final siting plan is adopted, the board shall cause it to be published.
(7) After publication of the final siting plan, the board shall engage in a continuousmonitoring and review process to ensure that the long-range needs of hazardous waste producerslikely to dispose of hazardous wastes in this state are met at a reasonable cost. An annual reviewof the adequacy of the plan shall be conducted and published by the board.
(8) (a) If necessary, the board may amend the siting plan to provide additional sites ordelete sites which are no longer suitable.
(b) Before any plan amendment adding or deleting a site is adopted, the board, upon notless than 20 days' public notice, shall hold at least one public hearing in the area where theaffected site is located.
(9) After adoption of the final plan, an applicant for approval of a plan to construct andoperate a hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility who seeks protection underthis part shall select a site contained on the final site plan.
(10) Nothing in this part, however, shall be construed to prohibit the construction andoperation of an approved hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility at a site whichis not included within the final site plan, but such a facility is not entitled to the protectionsafforded under this part.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session