17D-2-105 - Action of a local entity's governing body or a local building authority's board of directors.

17D-2-105. Action of a local entity's governing body or a local building authority'sboard of directors.
(1) The governing body of a local entity or the authority board of a local buildingauthority may take an action or proceeding under this chapter by resolution.
(2) Except as specifically required under this chapter:
(a) an ordinance, resolution, or proceeding with respect to a transaction under thischapter is not necessary; and
(b) the publication of a resolution, proceeding, or notice relating to a transaction underthis chapter is not necessary.
(3) The governing body of a local entity or authority board of a local building authoritymay adopt a proceeding under this chapter on a single reading at a legally convened meeting ofthe governing body or authority board, as the case may be.
(4) Except as specifically provided in this chapter, a resolution adopted or proceedingtaken under this chapter is not subject to referendum.

Enacted by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session