17D-1-303 - Election or appointment of administrative control board members.
17D-1-303. Election or appointment of administrative control board members.
(1) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(iii), a county or municipal legislative bodythat creates an administrative control board may provide for board members to be elected orappointed, or for some members to be elected and some appointed.
(2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), each member of an administrativecontrol board shall be elected or appointed as provided for the election or appointment,respectively, of a member of a board of trustees of a local district under Title 17B, Chapter 1,Part 3, Board of Trustees.
(b) (i) A municipality or improvement district under Title 17B, Chapter 2a, Part 4,Improvement District Act, may appoint one member to represent it on an administrative controlboard created by a special service district if:
(A) the special service district was created by a county;
(B) the special service district provides the same service as the municipality orimprovement district; and
(C) the special service district includes some or all of the area included within themunicipality or improvement district.
(ii) An institution of higher education for which a special service district providescommodities, services, or facilities may appoint the number of members of an administrativecontrol board of that special service district that are equal in number to at least 1/3 of the totalnumber of board members.
(iii) With respect to an administrative control board created for a special service districtcreated by a county of the first class to provide jail service as provided in Subsection17D-1-201(10), the county legislative body shall appoint:
(A) three members from a list of at least six recommendations from the county sheriff;
(B) three members from a list of at least six recommendations from municipalities withinthe county; and
(C) three members from a list of at least six recommendations from the county executive.
Enacted by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session