17D-1-208 - Adoption of a resolution or ordinance approving the creation of a special service district.
17D-1-208. Adoption of a resolution or ordinance approving the creation of aspecial service district.
(1) Subject to the provisions of and as provided in this part, the legislative body of acounty or municipality may adopt a resolution or ordinance approving the creation of a specialservice district.
(2) (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(b), a resolution or ordinance adopted by a legislativebody under Subsection (1) may contain changes from the proposal as set forth in a resolutionunder Subsection 17D-1-203(1)(a) or a petition under Subsection 17D-1-203(1)(b), includingchanges in:
(i) the boundary of the special service district; and
(ii) the services to be provided by the special service district.
(b) The legislative body of a county or municipality may not adopt a resolution orordinance under Subsection (1) that approves the creation of a special service district with aboundary that includes more area than is included in, or that authorizes the special service districtto provide a service not proposed in, a resolution under Subsection 17D-1-203(1)(a) or a petitionunder Subsection 17D-1-203(1)(b), unless the requirements of Sections 17D-1-205, 17D-1-206,and 17D-1-207 are met with respect to the additional area or service, as the case may be.
Amended by Chapter 350, 2009 General Session